The following information was gathered from our questionnaire and a personal interview between Mrs XX, Carole James, and Myself. (Anthony James.)
We had previously sent Mrs XX a questionnaire, which she didnÆt return. I finally arranged a personal interview after two weeks of her call to EMUFORA. When we arrived, she still hadnÆt filled in the questionnaire. She was very embarrassed at having to report this sighting, fearing ridicule from friends and colleagues - it was her husband who prompted her to report it to EMUFORA.
The back of her house overlooks the countryside. A light which resembled a very bright star, was stationary in the sky, above Stapleford Hill Woods , at the site of the Hemlock Stone - which is a landmark at Stapleford. The light remained stationary for approximately twenty minutes and then headed towards Mrs XXÆs home.
It passed over the rooftops of the neighbourhood at approximately 100ft, and then disappeared behind the rooftops.
As the craft approached the house, Mrs XX coyld only see a bright hazy light at the front, no shape could be made out at all. She rushed outside, only to see the bright hazy light disappear overhead. She then ran to the front of the louse, and caught sight of the back end of the object, which was oval shaped. Her description was of a large classic flying saucer shaped craft. There were several lights bearing down from underneath the craft, and a band of lights, which seemed to revolve around the edge of the disc . The lights which revolved were different from the ones that shone down vertically. There was also a very faint electrical humming sound. The body of the craft appeared to be metallic, and silver in colour. She was fascinated by the lights on the object, and also how quiet it was. It was definitely not a plane. She said. It was a clear morning, with no wind or rain.
When asked about her views about UFOÆs before this incident, she stated that she was open minded, and that there could be life elsewhere. Her views since her sighting have now changed to: Quote There are definitely UFOs . Mrs XX has not read anything about this subject at all, before her experience or since. We asked if she would write a statement about her encounter, she said that she would, but that she didnÆt want publicity. We finally received her statement on 4th June 1992.
EMUFORA believe that this is a genuine sighting by someone who knows nothing about the UFO subject. It took us a month to coax the information from a very reluctant witness.
or six days of the week at 4:10 hrs, my alarm awakes me. I get out of bed and go to dress in the room where my uniform of the Royal Mail hangs.
From this room I have a unrestricted view of open countryside, with no lights or buildings of any kind.
One morning in October 1991, I looked out of my windows to notice a very bright and unusually situated star, this was in the south easterly direction, and almost directly above Hemlock Wood. I watched the star for several minutes, and then went downstairs where I could still see this star from my kitchen window, and as I had breakfast and prepared for work, I continued to observe it for about 15 - 20 minutes.
Then I began to notice it was becoming very much brighter and larger, so I immediately thought it was an route to East Midlands Airport, about 10 miles away. Several minutes later I observed a very large bright object heading towards me, very low and close. I rushed outside only to see a right haze disappear over the roof of a neighbours house.
The craft had several lights underneath that shone down vertically. These were different to the lights that were positioned in the centre around the back, which seemed to be coloured and rotating. This craft was no more than 100ft from the ground, moving very slowly, and there was a faint electrical humming sound that could only have been coming from this object. I had a close view of this object for only a moment, but my recollections of itÆs appearance are still clear in my mind.
A copy of this report was sent to Mr. Timothy Good, and was included in his latest book ALIEN UPDATE.